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The fake NV meet is over. Crystal is complete. This is the last week of speech practices before finals and winter break is right around the corner…woohoo!!!!! I will be seeing some new people this week, and some people together, so please do not be offended by more limited time with me 🙂

Be sure to continue working with your category leaders.

Please bring your most recent critiques and before you click “post” you must please make sure no one else has your desired time slot.

To see this week:
Archit (1)
Akshay (1 for OO)
Alex (1 for Imp)
Surbhi (1)
Roshni (1)
Janelle and Brody together (1)
Hailey (1)
Devin and Anajli together (1)

2:45 – 3:00 [Team meeting]
No rehearsals

3:00 – 3:30
3:30 – 4:00
4:00 – 4:30
4:30 – 5:00

No rehearsals

3:00 – 3:30
3:30 – 4:00
4:00 – 4:30
4:30 – 5:00

No rehearsals

10 Responses to “La Scola: Week of Dec. 7-11”

  1. Akshay Ravi says:

    Tuesday 3-3:30 please!! 🙂

  2. Alex Shura says:

    Tuesday 3:30-4:00 please

  3. Hailey Kingsbury says:

    Tuesday 4-4:30 please! Thank you!

  4. Surbhi Sarup says:

    Thursday 3-3:30 please!

  5. Archit Dhar says:

    Thursday 3:30-4:00, please!

  6. Brody Stejskal says:


  7. Brody Stejskal says:


  8. Roshni Koul says:

    4:30-5 Thursday!

  9. Roshni Koul says:

    Ah actually so sorry I didn’t realize 4-4:30 on Thursday is open. I will take that slot.

  10. Anjali Dave says:

    4:30-5 Thursday please 🙂