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Plan for the Week

No school… the week of regionals. Oh boy.

Here’s the revised plan:

  • If you had a rehearsal with me and Blanchard, those have been canceled. PLEASE practice on your own, especially those of you who know you need to make some revisions. You can all email me if you have any questions about your script.
  • We will still have the Regional Runthrough Thursday after school. Everyone on the team is expected to attend!
  • PIR will rehearse Thursday after school (you won’t attend the Runthrough). If you need to rehearse Friday in the Gold Building, you can do that, too.

Finally, to everyone competing at Regionals: I must have a few things from you on Thursday. Here’s what I need:

DDA: The original script or the actual book!
DI: The book
ES: Nothing
HDA: Nothing
HI: Nothing
IS: Nothing
Info: The most revised script
Dec: Nothing
OC: The most revised script
OO: The most revised script
Poe: Nothing
PR: Nothing
RS: Nothing
SOS: The most revised script

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