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UPDATE: Sorry, there are people Mehta asked me to see before I posted this…below is the update.

Critiques (especially if you were at Glenbard West) would be useful but not the be all end all of life. This is the time of the year where decisions for regional reps are being made…

…radio people, stop saying weird words! DEC – no more major changes to your topics, go for performance only at this point. Josh (and the rest of Info for that matter) I do not want to hear or read about any memory flubs. Y’all had two weeks to memorize and rememorize!

Roshni (Radio 2)
Emily (Dec 2)
Alex (Imp 2)
Diti (PR 2)

Monday, Jan. 9
2:45 – 3:15
3:15 – 3:45
3:45 – 4:15
4:15 – 4:45

Tuesday, Jan. 10
3:00 – 3:30 (whoever takes this slot, will miss part of the team meeting)
3:30 – 4:00
4:00 – 4:30
4:30 – 5:00

Wednesday, Jan. 11
No rehearsals for me

Thursday, Jan. 12
No rehearsals for me

Friday, Jan. 13
No rehearsals for me

5 Responses to “La Scola: Week of Jan. 9-13”

  1. Roshni Koul says:

    All radio Tuesday 3:30-4:30

  2. Roshni Koul says:

    4:30-5 for my individual on Tuesday

  3. Roshni Koul says:

    UPDATED: Tuesday 4-5

  4. Emily Abella says:

    Monday 2:45-3:45 please

  5. Diti Kohli says:

    Monday 3:45-4:45 please!