Lots of information below!
1) Team members need to bring the following (if you do not bring this, you will not be competing!):
DI and IMP – please bring a 12 pack of 12oz Coke
DDA and INFO – please bring a 12 pack of 12oz Pepsi
HI and SOS – please bring a 12 pack of 12oz Sprite
HDA – please bring a 12 pack of 12oz Diet Coke
OC – please bring a 12 pack of 12oz Diet Pepsi
EXT – please bring a 12 pack of 12oz Dr. Pepper
DEC, PROSE, POETRY, RADIO, and OO – please bring a 30 case of 20oz bottled water
All category leaders must bring 2 boxes of classic mix snack pack of chips (see below) in addition to what we wrote above:

2) We need parents to help us out with concessions during the following times:
7:00a – 9:00a
9:00a – 12:00p
12:00p – 3:00p
If your parents can help, please have them email Pontarelli ASAP. (This is really, really important.)
3) Here is the information you need for Saturday!
Who’s going where?
The tentative roster can be seen here. Please let me know if there are any problems/questions!
What time should you be at the Birkett Center?
6:30a. Be there early!
When will it end?
8:00p. Don’t plan on leaving early
Extemp and Radio?
ES/RS will both prep once in prelims and once for finals.