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Happy New Year and welcome back!

I understand that some of you have taken the time to rehearse your pieces over break! Terrific! Let’s hit the ground running shall we…

This is who I will need to see tomorrow:

1 ) Quinn

2) Sruthi and Zack

3) Chloe and Sydney

4) ?

These are the time slots for tomorrow!





7 Responses to “El-Kareh: Rehearsal Week Jan 4-8”

  1. Tanous El-Kareh says:

    Please comment for your slot.

  2. Sruthi Rameshkumar says:

    Zach and I will take 3:45-4:25 please. Thank you!

  3. Tanous El-Kareh says:

    Monika will no longer be joining us so someone from Poetry beside Quinn has an opportunity to work with me tomorrow. Please sign up!

  4. Shreya Sridhara says:

    I will take 4:25-5:05 in place of Monika for poetry!! Thank you!

  5. Sydney says:

    Sydney & Chloe 545- 625

    You did mean Sydney instead of Virginia right?

  6. Virginia Gramarosso says:

    Danny and I will be working together tomorrow for a while after the meeting, if you have an extra slot or some extra time it’d be great if we could work a bit with you. if not, no worries! thank you!

  7. Tanous El-Kareh says:

    Virginia and Danny, let’s meet at the 5:05 slot