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Here is who I need to see this week:

Sarah (OO)
Sruthi (Prose)
Archit (Info)
Tajesvi (Info)
Akshay (DI)

Monday, Jan. 26
2:45 – 3:00 – Team Meeting
3:00 – 3:45 –
3:45 – 4:30 –
4:30 – 5:15 –

Tuesday, Jan. 27
No rehearsals

Wednesday, Jan. 28
3:00 – 3:45 –
3:45 – 4:30 –

Thursday, Jan. 29
No rehearsals

Friday, Jan. 30
No rehearsals

5 Responses to “La Scola: Week of Jan. 26-30”

  1. Akshay Ravi says:

    Monday 3:00-3:45 please!

  2. Tajesvi Bhat says:

    Wednesday 3-3:45! Thanks!

  3. Hailey Kingsbury says:

    Wednesday, 3:45-4:30,please!

  4. Archit Dhar says:

    Monday, 3:45-4:30, please!

  5. Sruthi Rameshkumar says:

    I’ll take Monday 4:30-5:15 please! Thank you!