(Written by Kevin Hill)
Here are a few important updates for bringing this season to a close and preparing for the upcoming one:
Remember that both banquet money and captain applications for next year are due this Friday, March 7th.
Additionally, while it is important to note that this is by no means required, it would be beneficial to go to a speech camp over the summer. Here are a few options:
Neuqua’s Summer Camp: This week long camp is a great time to fine-tune skills and potentially explore other categories; if you are a returner, it would be beneficial to have a piece prepared if you know what category you would like help in. (Mehta says: Details coming this summer; Camp will take place in early August.)
Bradley Summer Forensics Institute (SFI): This is more expensive than the Neuqua camp, but offers more specialized training in one category over a two week period of time. It is located at Bradley University, and all of the current captains, among many other returning team members, have experience at this camp and would be happy to give you more information on it.
Illinois State University Summer Speech Institute: Most members of our team historically have gone to the Bradley camp only, but we’ve been told that ISU is a good choice for a speech camp as well. The only current member of our team who has been to ISU’s camp is Jonathan Kim, and I’m sure he’d be happy to answer any questions that you may have about it. Note that this camp and Bradley’s camp overlap, so you could NOT do both. However, if you pick either one of these, you can still go to Neuqua’s camp, as it doesn’t overlap with either one.
Mehta adds: Northern Illinois University also has a camp worth checking out!
Once again, you are by no means required to attend any of these camps, but they are each a great way to fine tune your skills, or even to break into a new category to figure out what you’re best suited in.