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1) Our next team meeting is Monday, February 25th, after school!

2) If you are interested in applying for Team Captain, you must fill out this form and turn it in to Mehta (in D100) by Monday, February 25th. (Only current sophomores and juniors may apply.)

(Please include your email address somewhere in the application. I forgot to ask for it!)

3) I need your banquet money by Tuesday, February 26th. It’s $14/person (feel free to bring family members!) and checks should be made out to Wildcat Speech. You can drop the money off (in an envelope) to Mehta in D100. The banquet will take place at Tamarack Golf Club on Thursday night, March 7th.

4) I need all the scripts you used this season in every event (except limited prep). This includes novices, too! You will not be allowed to attend the banquet until I have the final version of your script! Please send them to me ASAP.

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