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Mehta: 10/29 – 11/2

Hi everyone! Looking forward to our category rehearsals this week.

All novices should be prepared for the tournament on Saturday! That means memorized, blocked, structured, etc.

Please don’t sign up for a later time unless all the slots before it are full.

  • Bring your pieces (AND A SEPARATE SCRIPT FOR ME) ready to go!
  • Extemp: Bring a prepared question/speech!


2:45 – 3:15 Team Meeting
3:15 – 5:15


[No Rehearsals – Parent Night]


2:45 – 3:15 [Teacher Meeting]
3:00 – 5:00 Impromptu


[No Rehearsals]


2:45 – 4:45 Extemp

4 Responses to “Mehta: 10/29 – 11/2”

  1. Abhishek Nigam says:

    Extemp will take the Friday slot!

  2. Sarah Kingsbury says:

    Impromptu would like the wednesday slot- thanks

  3. Sarah Kingsbury says:

    actually, i take that back; i haven’t gotten an affirmation from everyone. wednesday is up for the taking.

  4. Abhishek Nigam says:

    And Impromptu is confirmed for the Wednesday slot.