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La Scola – Week of Nov. 14-18

  • Be memorized. I don’t want to hear any excuses why you’re not. If you aren’t ready, then we are not rehearsing.
  • Bring your critiques.
  • I will not have any rehearsals the week of Thanksgiving (Nov. 21-25).
  • Look for a new rehearsal schedule for the week of Nov. 28-Dec. 2, remembering that Dec. 3 is the Neuqua invite weekend.

Kaveri (2)
Lauren (2)
Joy (1)
Ariana  (1)
Emily (1)
Meha (1)
Zi-Yi (1)
Abhishek (1)
Avery (2 during 6th period on Tues., 11/15 and Th., 11/17. Meet me in B119)
Derrek Chung (1 during 6th period on Wed., 11/16. Meet me in B119)
Abhishek (8th period on Mon., 11/14. Meet in room B135)
Ani (1 during 8th period on Th., 11/17. Meet in room B135)

2:45-3:15 – Team Meeting
3:15-3:45 – Kaveri
3:45-4:15 – Joy

2:45-3:15 – Abhishek
3:15-3:45 – Lauren
3:45-4:15 – Emily

2:45-3:15- Teacher Meeting
3:15-3:45 – Zi-Yi
3:45-4:15 – Meha

2:45-3:15 – Kaveri
3:15-3:45 – Lauren
3:45-4:15 – Ariana

[No Rehearsals]

8 Responses to “La Scola: Week of Nov. 14-18”

  1. Kaveri Sharma says:

    Monday 315-345
    Thursday 245-315

    Thank you!

  2. Joy Dhar says:

    Monday 3:45-4:15

  3. Lauren Kindstrand says:

    Tuesday 3:15-345
    Thursday 3:15-3:45

  4. Abhishek Nigam says:

    Tuesday 2:45-3:15


  5. Ariana Beattie says:

    Thursday 3:45-4:15

  6. Emily Perlstein says:

    Tuesday 3:45-4:15

  7. Zi-Yi Choo says:

    wednesday 3:15 – 3:45
    thank you

  8. Meha Patel says:

    wednesday 3:45-4:15