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McVey: Oct 17-21

Hey guys!  Welcome to Speech 2011-2012!  Just a couple notes about the schedule:

Please check every Sunday after 12 noon for updates and to make any changes.  After next week, my times will almost always be the same – because of other obligations, I only have so much flexibility in my schedule.  I am only meeting with varsity team members this week.   Category leaders – if you need help with novices (choosing pieces, editing, revising, what ever) I am happy to help.  Mondays and Fridays are the best days for me but I can figure out other days too – with notice. 

  • Bring your pieces ready to go!

Currently missing:

Saurav Patnaik

Not scheduled this week:

Aaron Gatdula(double next week)

2:45 – 3:15 [Team Meeting]
3:30 – 4:00
4:00 – 4:30
5:00 – 5:30

5:30 – 6:00 Katelyn Casey

3:30 – 4:00 Abby Hanneman
4:00 – 4:30 Christie Jeung
5:00 – 5:30
5:30 – 6:00


4:30-5:00 Kelsey Sante
5:00 – 5:30 Yoomna Rahim
5:30 – 6:00 Joy Dhar


[No rehearsals]


[No rehearsals]

17 Responses to “McVey: Oct 17-21”

  1. Kelsey Sante says:

    wednesday 4:30-5:00

  2. Yoomna Rahim says:

    monday 5:00- 5:30

  3. Karli Smith says:

    Tuesday 3:30-4:00

  4. Christie Jeung says:

    Tuesday 4:00-4:30

  5. Katelyn Casey says:

    Monday 5:30-6

  6. Yoomna Rahim says:

    I realized Monday won’t work for me, can I switch my time to 5 to 5:30

  7. Yoomna Rahim says:

    5-5:30 Wednesday

  8. hunter king says:

    wednesday 5:00-5:30

  9. Abby Hanneman says:

    not sure if Tuesday 3:30-4 is open or not… cause it looks like Karli signed up for it but her names not on the list…

  10. Abby Hanneman says:

    if its full i can take a wednesday spot

  11. McVey says:

    Got it!

  12. McVey says:

    Abby – I don’t think I am meeting with JV this week. I put you in for Tuesday – if something changes I will let you know tomorrow at practice.

  13. Joy Dhar says:


  14. McVey says:

    Hunter – I am only meeting with varsity this week – I will see you Monday – let me know if you have any questions/concerns.

  15. McVey says:

    Karli – I am only meeting with varsity this week – I will see you Monday – let me know if you have any questions/concerns…

  16. Karli Smith says:


  17. Saurav Patnaik says:

    I can do Tuesday @ 5:30. Sorry for the short notice!