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Good morning!

Dreams are coming true this week… you will be rehearsing with not one, but TWO COACHES!!! Get excited!

Below are the people Mehta and I will rehearse with this week. I’ve listed the number of 30 min. rehearsals assigned to you. We’d prefer it if you’d sign up for your spots in blocks!

Monday 1/24
2:45-3:15 TEAM MEETING
3:15-3:45 Kaveri Sharma/George Luke (HDA)
3:45-4:15 Kaveri Sharma/George Luke (HDA)
4:15-4:45 Kaveri Sharma/George Luke (HDA)
4:45-5:15 Joey Kim/Julia Rabin (DDA)
5:15-5:45 Joey Kim/Julia Rabin (DDA)
5:45-6:15 George Luke (OC)
6:15-6:45 George Luke (OC)

Tuesday 1/25
2:45-3:15 Joey Kim (DI)
3:15-3:45 Joey Kim (DI)
3:45-4:15 Kaveri Sharma (SOS)
4:15-4:45 Kaveri Sharma (SOS)

Wednesday 1/26
3:15-3:45 Angela Wang (Info)
3:45-4:15 Kelsey Sante (HI)
4:15-4:45 Kelsey Sante (HI)
4:45-5:15 Kelsey Sante (HI)
5:15-5:45 Lauren Kindstrand (IS)

Thursday 1/27
3:15-3:45 [No Rehearsal]
3:45-4:15 Joy Dhar (Info)
4:15-4:45 Julia Rabin (PR)
4:45-5:15 Neha Nigam (ES)
5:15-5:45 Malavica Shridhar (OO)
5:45-6:15 Kelsey Sante (OD)
6:15-6:45 Kelsey Sante (OD)

Friday 1/28
3:15-3:45 Shannon Ho (Dec)
3:45-4:15 Caroline Dusenberry (RS)
4:15-4:45 Kristin Bronersky (HI)
4:45-5:15 Kristin Bronersky (HI)
5:15-5:45 Aaron Gatdula (Poe)

24 Responses to “Individual Events for the Week”

  1. Angela Wang says:

    Wed 3:15-3:45 info

  2. Shannon Ho says:

    Friday 3:15-3:45 Dec

  3. Neha Nigam says:

    Thursday 3:15-3:45

  4. Kaveri Sharma says:

    Monday 3:45 to 445 HDA
    Thurs 3:15 HDA
    Tues 345 hour SOS

  5. Kaveri Sharma says:

    Scratch that…Thurs 345 hda

  6. Kaveri Sharma says:

    Oh wait…never mind….Just monday 315 til 445 for HDA
    and then Tues 345 hour for SOS

  7. Joey Kim says:

    Monday 4:45-5:45

  8. Joey Kim says:

    Tuesday 2:45-3:15

  9. Joey Kim says:

    ^for DI

  10. Joy Dhar says:

    Thursday 3.45

  11. Joey Kim says:

    DI (2nd rehearsal at)

  12. Joey Kim says:


  13. Julia Rabin says:

    Thursday 415 for prose

  14. Kelsey Sante says:

    wed 3:45-5:15 (HI)
    thurs 4:15-5:15 (OD) (Mehta says: Already taken!)

  15. George Luke says:

    Mon 5:45-6:15 OC

  16. George Luke says:

    Tue 4:45-5:15 OC

  17. George Luke says:

    (Sorry, I can’t do OC in a block due to previous sign ups. And I’m leavin on Wed for IMEA)

  18. Lauren Kindstrand says:

    Wednesday 5:15-5:45

  19. Caroline Dusenberry says:

    Friday 3:45-4:15 RS

  20. Mehta says:

    Updated through here.

    Kelsey and George: I sent you emails. Fix your slots!

  21. Malavica Sridhar says:


  22. Mehta says:


  23. Kristin Bronersky says:

    415-515 Friday

  24. Neha Nigam says:

    Wednesday 5:45-6:45