Feed on

Ahhhhhhh…. The holidays and finals are upon us.  I’m so looking forward to the break, but I am NOT looking forward to the fatigue of the finals push. And with so many of you coming down off of your Crystal Concert haze, I ask that you do give one final push before it’s time to take a break.


This week, we’ve done A LOT of shaking up. That means we absolutely NEED you to make sure your times and coaches are correct before signing up. As many of you found out this week, if you double booked, missed sign-ups, or did the “ooops, I mean this time…my bad…jk, I actually mean this time,” you will not get space! Please do it correctly!

Next week, we WILL have rehearsals; however, they will be one per person. I’ll check to see if we can rehearse during make-ups, which would give us significantly earlier times. Please note that we DO have a tourney on the 19th. PLEASE communicate with me if you are unable to attend. AND IF YOU DID NOT MARK THIS ON YOUR CONFLICT SHEET, it will be considered an unexcused absence. We understand that you’re all probably ready to jet, but we need your strength as we head into our last tournament of this year!

last night…

Again, a HUGE thank you to you, your parents, and my coaching staff. There’s NO WAY I could have done this without you. And I never EVER expected my birthday surprise. It was so sweet and special. Thank you.

And as I already mentioned, we had several that really went the extra mile….

and therefore, this week’s GEEKS OF THE WEEK are:  Lauren Kindstrand and Alex Baxter!!!

Many stayed late, but those two girls were hauling their cookies around searching for stools long after that last speechie had left. Thank you ladies. You are the representation of the help I received from the entire team this weekend!!!


If I’m not mistaken, the captains are looking to do some sort of Secret Santa gig. So this would be the week for the leaders to meet up, put names on papers, and (without looking) grab some names from the pile for their groups to choose. I think that’s probably the most organized way to do so.

So for rehearsals, I want the CLs to focus on strategies for keeping fresh over break. As well, I’m sure you all have been doing individual rehearsals, but this week I want verbal feedback from someone other than the leader. I want the babies to be doing critiques. The best way to get better is reflect. So watch a minute or two of a piece, and then talk about GOOD as well as what needs improvement.

All right! Please keep the lines of communication open!

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