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Mason Week of Jan30

Regional time, folks. In the words of Bilbo Baggins, you’ve “escap[ed] goblins to be caught by wolves.” Meaning, you’re not out of the woods yet. In lieu of adding more goofy sayings, here is who I need to see this week. You get an hour each. Let’s do this.
Myna/Danny – HDA
Ariana – HI
Atlas – OC
Christie – OO
Aaron – PO
Kaveri – SOS
Also, be proud of how far you’ve come this season. It’s a long season. Not *as* long as basketball, but I would wager more mentally and emotionally exhausting, AND we dress better. More to come on this later.
2:45 – 3:15 – Team Meeting

3:15 – 4:15 Kaveri

4:15 – 5:15 Myna/Danny
2:45 – 3:45 Christie

3:45 – 4:45 Ariana

2:45 – 3:15 – Teacher Meeting
3:15 – 4:15 Atlas

4:15 – 5:15 Aaron


Regional Run-through


No rehearsals – Improv Auditions

10 Responses to “Mason Week of Jan30”

  1. Aaron Gatdula says:

    Wednesday: 3.15-4.15

  2. Aaron Gatdula says:

    Scratch that. I’d like 4.15-5.15 on Wednesday, please.

  3. Atlas Brewster says:

    I will take 3:15-4:15
    Thank you

  4. Kaveri Sharma says:

    Monday 4:45 please!

  5. Kaveri Sharma says:

    Monday 3:15 instead please

  6. Ariana Beattie says:

    Tuesday 2:45-3:45

  7. Myna Sharma says:

    monday: 4:45

  8. Christie Jeung says:

    None of these times are good for me but Monday 4:45 worst case. I’m asking Kaveri if she can switch with me.

  9. Christie Jeung says:

    It’s all good; I got Tuesday 2:45 and Ariana’s taking 3:45-4:45

  10. Atlas Brewster says:

    sorry i never said wendsday